A discriminant calculator is an online tool that provides the discriminant value for given coefficients in a quadratic equation. STUDYQUERIES’s online discriminant calculator tool makes the calculations faster and easier, displaying the value in a fraction of a second.

How to Use the Discriminant Calculator?

To use the discriminant calculator, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Enter coefficient values such as “a”, “b”, and “c” in the fields provided
  • Step 2: Now click on “Calculate” to see the result
  • Step 3: The discriminant value is displayed in the output field

Discriminant Calculator

What Is Discriminant?

The quadratic formula is $$x= \frac{-b \pm \sqrt {b^2-4ac}}{2a}$$

It can be found by using the quadratic formula to find a discriminant function. It is represented as b²-4ac and the discriminant can be zero, positive, or negative. This indicates whether there will be no solution, one solution, or two solutions.

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Discriminant Calculator
Discriminant Calculator

Observe the following characteristics of discriminant algebra’s formula:

  • A zero discriminant indicates that there are repeated real number solutions to the quadratic;
  • In the case of a negative discriminant, neither of the solutions are real;
  • The quadratic equation has two distinct solutions that are real numbers for a positive discriminant.

The following quadratic equation illustrates to the students how to determine the discriminant by showing a variety of solutions.

For example, the given quadratic equation is $$6x^2 + 10x – 1 = 0$$

From the above equation, it can be seen that:

a = 6, b = 10, c = -1

When the numbers are applied to discriminant analysis – $$b^2 − 4ac$$

$$= (10)^2 – 4 (6) (-1)$$

$$= 100 + 24$$

$$= 124$$

The discriminant being a positive number, there are two solutions to the quadratic equation.

Relationship Between Roots and Discriminant

The quadratic formula not only generates quadratic equation solutions but also tells us about the nature of the solutions. When we consider the discriminant, or the expression under the radical, $$b^2-4ac$$, it tells us if the solutions are real numbers or complex numbers and how many of each type we can expect.

Let us explore how the discriminant affects the evaluation of $$\sqrt {b^2-4ac}$$ in the quadratic formula and how it helps to determine the solution set.

If $$b^2-4ac >0$$


a, b, c = real numbers

a ≠ 0

discriminant = positive 

If the radical is positive, then the number underneath it will be positive. Since you can always find the square root of a positive number, calculating the quadratic formula will yield two real solutions (one by adding the positive square root and one by subtracting it).

If $$b^2-4ac =0$$


a, b, c = real numbers

a ≠ 0

discriminant = zero

Then you will take the square root of 0, which is 0. Since adding and subtracting 0 both give the same result, the “±” portion of the formula does not matter. There will be only one solution.

If $$b^2-4ac <0$$


a, b, c = real numbers

a ≠ 0

discriminant = negative

If the radical is negative, the value underneath it will be negative. There are no real solutions to finding the square root of a negative number because you cannot use real numbers. It is possible, however, to use imaginary numbers. Then you will have two complex solutions, one by adding the imaginary square root and one by subtracting it.

Relationship Between Roots and Discriminant
Relationship Between Roots and Discriminant

If $$b^2-4ac >0 \ as\ a\ perfect\ square\ as\ well$$


a, b, c = real numbers

a ≠ 0

discriminant = positive and perfect square 

Therefore, the roots of the quadratic equation are unequal, real, and rational.

Things to Remember While Using Quadratic Formula

  • It is absolutely crucial that the equation is arranged correctly in order to arrive at a solution.
  • Ensure that 2a and the square root of the entire (b² − 4ac) are placed at the denominator.
  • Keep an eye out for negative b². This cannot be negative, so be sure to change it to positive. The square of either positive or negative is always positive.
  • The +/- should remain. Be aware of two solutions.
  • The number will have to be rounded on a certain number of decimal places when using a calculator.

Find The Discriminant Calculator:

This calculator helps you determine the discriminant of a quadratic equation. The discriminant is a mathematical term used in quadratic equations to determine the nature of the roots (real, complex, or repeated). It is calculated using the formula: b^2 – 4ac, where a, b, and c are the coefficients of the quadratic equation.

Example: Suppose you have a quadratic equation: 2x^2 + 5x + 2 = 0. By using the Discriminant Calculator, you can input the coefficients a = 2, b = 5, and c = 2, and the calculator will evaluate the discriminant as follows: b^2 – 4ac = 5^2 – 4(2)(2) = 25 – 16 = 9. Therefore, the discriminant is 9.

Solution: The Discriminant Calculator provides an efficient way to find the discriminant of a quadratic equation without the need for manual calculations. It helps determine the nature of the roots by comparing the value of the discriminant to certain conditions. If the discriminant is positive, the equation has two distinct real roots. If the discriminant is zero, the equation has two identical real roots. If the discriminant is negative, the equation has two complex conjugate roots.

Discriminant Formula Calculator:

This calculator allows you to compute the discriminant of a quadratic equation using the formula: b^2 – 4ac. The discriminant is a mathematical expression that provides valuable information about the roots of a quadratic equation.

Example: Consider the quadratic equation 3x^2 + 4x + 1 = 0. By using the Discriminant Formula Calculator, you can input the values of the coefficients a = 3, b = 4, and c = 1. The calculator will then apply the formula b^2 – 4ac to calculate the discriminant: 4^2 – 4(3)(1) = 16 – 12 = 4. Therefore, the discriminant is 4.

Solution: The Discriminant Formula Calculator allows you to quickly calculate the discriminant of any quadratic equation by substituting the respective coefficients into the formula. This enables you to determine the nature of the roots and gain insights into the equation’s solutions.

Discriminant Of A Quadratic Equation Calculator:

This calculator is designed to find the discriminant of a quadratic equation. The discriminant is a key value used to analyze the nature of the roots of the equation.

Example: Let’s take the quadratic equation 2x^2 – 5x + 3 = 0. By utilizing the Discriminant of a Quadratic Equation Calculator, you can input the coefficients a = 2, b = -5, and c = 3. The calculator will apply the formula b^2 – 4ac to calculate the discriminant: (-5)^2 – 4(2)(3) = 25 – 24 = 1. Thus, the discriminant is 1.

Solution: The Discriminant of a Quadratic Equation Calculator offers a convenient method to determine the discriminant of any quadratic equation by substituting the respective coefficients into the discriminant formula. It provides a quick assessment of the nature of the roots and aids in solving quadratic equations.

Find The Discriminant Of The Quadratic Equation Calculator:

This calculator helps you find the discriminant of a given quadratic equation. The discriminant is a crucial value used to classify the roots of a quadratic equation.

Example: Suppose you have the quadratic equation x^2 + 4x + 4 = 0. By employing the Find the Discriminant of the Quadratic Equation Calculator, you can input the coefficients a

= 1, b = 4, and c = 4. The calculator will utilize the formula b^2 – 4ac to calculate the discriminant: 4^2 – 4(1)(4) = 16 – 16 = 0. Therefore, the discriminant is 0.

Solution: The Find the Discriminant of the Quadratic Equation Calculator allows for the efficient computation of the discriminant of a quadratic equation. By analyzing the value of the discriminant, you can determine the nature of the roots (real, complex, or repeated) and solve quadratic equations accordingly.

Quadratic Discriminant Calculator:

This calculator helps you compute the quadratic discriminant, which is the same as the discriminant of a quadratic equation. It is used to determine the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation.

Example: Consider the quadratic equation 2x^2 – 3x + 1 = 0. By utilizing the Quadratic Discriminant Calculator, you can input the coefficients a = 2, b = -3, and c = 1. The calculator will apply the formula b^2 – 4ac to calculate the quadratic discriminant: (-3)^2 – 4(2)(1) = 9 – 8 = 1. Hence, the quadratic discriminant is 1.

Solution: The Quadratic Discriminant Calculator provides a straightforward way to calculate the discriminant of a quadratic equation. It aids in determining the nature of the roots, allowing for the classification of the equation’s solutions as real, complex, or repeated.

Discriminant Formula:

The discriminant formula is a mathematical expression used to calculate the discriminant of a quadratic equation. It is represented as b^2 – 4ac, where a, b, and c are the coefficients of the quadratic equation.

Example: Let’s consider the quadratic equation 3x^2 + 2x + 1 = 0. To find the discriminant using the discriminant formula, we substitute the values of a = 3, b = 2, and c = 1 into the formula: (2)^2 – 4(3)(1) = 4 – 12 = -8. Therefore, the discriminant is -8.

Solution: The discriminant formula is a valuable tool for calculating the discriminant of a quadratic equation. It provides insights into the nature of the equation’s roots and helps in determining the number of real solutions.

Discriminant Calculator Multivariable:

The Discriminant Calculator Multivariable is designed to compute the discriminant for multivariable equations. It extends the concept of discriminant calculation to equations with multiple variables.

Example: Suppose you have the multivariable equation 3x^2 – 2xy + y^2 = 0. By using the Discriminant Calculator Multivariable, you can input the equation with the respective coefficients. The calculator will apply the discriminant formula specific to multivariable equations to determine the discriminant.

Solution: The Discriminant Calculator Multivariable provides a specialized solution for computing the discriminant of equations involving multiple variables. It enables the analysis of the equation’s roots in a multivariable context.

Discriminant Calculator F(X Y):

The Discriminant Calculator F(X Y) is a tool used to calculate the discriminant for equations involving functions of multiple variables, such as f(x, y). It extends the concept of discriminant calculation to equations with function notation.

Example: Consider the equation f(x, y) = x^2 – 4xy + 4y^2. By using the Discriminant Calculator F(X Y), you can input the equation and its respective variables. The calculator will utilize the discriminant formula specific to equations with function notation to compute the discriminant.

Solution: The Discriminant Calculator F(X Y) allows for the computation of the discriminant in equations involving functions of multiple variables. It provides a specialized solution for analyzing the roots and nature of the solutions in such equations.

Discriminant Of A Quadratic Equation:

The discriminant of a quadratic equation is a value calculated using the formula b^2 – 4ac. It helps determine the nature of the roots (real, complex, or repeated) of the quadratic equation.

Example: Let’s take the quadratic equation 2x^2 + 3x + 1 = 0. To find the discriminant of this quadratic equation, we substitute the coefficients a = 2, b = 3, and c = 1 into the discriminant formula: (3)^2 – 4(2)(1) = 9 – 8 = 1. Hence, the discriminant is 1.

Solution: The discriminant of a quadratic equation provides crucial information about the nature of its roots. It helps classify the solutions as real, complex, or repeated, allowing for further analysis and solving of quadratic equations.

Find Nature Of Roots Given Discriminant Calculator:

The Find Nature of Roots Given Discriminant Calculator is a tool that utilizes the discriminant of a quadratic equation to determine the nature of its roots. It helps classify the solutions as real, complex, or repeated based on the discriminant value.

Example: Suppose you have a quadratic equation 4x^2 – 7x + 3 = 0. By using the Find Nature of Roots Given Discriminant Calculator, you can input the coefficients a = 4, b = -7, and c = 3. The calculator will calculate the discriminant: (-7)^2 – 4(4)(3) = 49 – 48 = 1. Based on the discriminant value of 1, the calculator will classify the roots as having two distinct real solutions.

Solution: The Find Nature of Roots Given Discriminant Calculator is a helpful tool for determining the nature of the roots based on the discriminant value. It simplifies the process of classifying the solutions as real, complex, or repeated.

Number Of Real Solutions Calculator:

The Number of Real Solutions Calculator is used to determine the number of real solutions a quadratic equation has based on its discriminant. It analyzes the discriminant to classify the equation’s roots.

Example: Consider the quadratic equation x^2 – 6x + 9 = 0. By using the Number of Real Solutions Calculator, you can input the coefficients a = 1, b = -6, and c = 9. The calculator will calculate the discriminant: (-6)^2 – 4(1)(9) = 36 – 36 = 0. Since the discriminant is 0, the calculator will determine that the equation has one repeated real solution.

Solution: The Number of Real Solutions Calculator provides a simple way to determine the number of real solutions of a quadratic equation based on its discriminant. It helps in identifying the different possibilities and analyzing the equation’s solutions.


The discriminant of the quadratic formula is the quantity under the radical, $$b^2 − 4ac$$ It determines the number and the type of solutions that a quadratic equation has. If the discriminant is positive, there are 2 real solutions. If it is 0, there is 1 real repeated solution. If the discriminant is negative, there are 2 complex solutions (but no real solutions). The discriminant can also tell us about the behavior of the graph of a quadratic function.

Unit Circle Calculator

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Integration By Parts Calculator


How To Find The Discriminant Calculator?

To find the discriminant using a calculator, you can utilize a Discriminant Calculator tool. Simply input the coefficients of the quadratic equation into the calculator, and it will compute the discriminant using the formula b^2 – 4ac. The calculator will provide you with the value of the discriminant, which can then be used to analyze the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation.

For Which Discriminant Is The Graph Possible Calculator?

The “For Which Discriminant Is The Graph Possible” calculator is not a commonly used term or calculator. However, if you are referring to determining the possibility of the graph of a quadratic equation, you can use the discriminant to assess it. If the discriminant is greater than zero, the graph will intersect the x-axis at two distinct points, indicating a possible graph. If the discriminant is zero, the graph will touch the x-axis at a single point, indicating a possible graph. If the discriminant is negative, the graph will not intersect the x-axis, indicating an impossible graph.

How To List Discriminant On Calculator?

A calculator typically provides a single value output, so it does not have a specific function to list multiple discriminants. However, you can use the calculator to find the discriminant of individual quadratic equations by inputting the coefficients and obtaining the discriminant value for each equation. If you want to list multiple discriminants, you would need to input each quadratic equation separately and record the corresponding discriminant values.

How To Find The Discriminant Of A Quadratic Equation In Calculator?

To find the discriminant of a quadratic equation using a calculator, follow these steps:
1. Identify the coefficients of the quadratic equation in the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0.
2. Input the values of coefficients a, b, and c into the calculator.
3. Use the calculator’s discriminant function or formula to evaluate the discriminant, which is given by the expression b^2 – 4ac.
4. The calculator will provide the result, which represents the discriminant of the quadratic equation.

What Does The Discriminant Tell Us About Function Calculator?

The “What Does The Discriminant Tell Us About Function” calculator is not a commonly used term or calculator. However, the discriminant of a quadratic equation provides valuable information about the function represented by the equation. It helps determine the nature of the roots and, consequently, provides insights into the behavior of the function.

If the discriminant is positive, the function has two distinct real roots, indicating that the graph of the function intersects the x-axis at two different points.

If the discriminant is zero, the function has two identical real roots, indicating that the graph of the function touches the x-axis at a single point.

If the discriminant is negative, the function has two complex conjugate roots, indicating that the graph of the function does not intersect the x-axis.

By analyzing the discriminant using a calculator, you can gain valuable information about the nature and behavior of the function represented by the quadratic equation.

When the Discriminant is Zero, How Many Numbers of Solution Would a Quadratic Equation Have?

The discriminant or determinant of a quadratic equation is a component of the square root of the quadratic formula, b²-4ac. The discriminant must be equal to zero for there to be a unique solution. If the discriminant is less than zero, no solution can be found. In the event that it is greater than zero, there can be two real solutions to the equation.

What are the Various Forms of a Quadratic Equation?

The three main forms of a quadratic equation are –

  • Standard form
  • Factored form
  • Vertex form.

The standard form of a quadratic equation is represented as y = ax² + bx + c, and the discriminant of a quadratic equation, in this case, is b² − 4ac. The Factored form of quadratic equation is represented as y = (ax + c) (bx + d). The Vertex form of quadratic equation is represented as y = a (x + b)² + c.

It must be noted that a, b, and c numbers.

What is the Significance of Quadratic Equations?

Quadratic equations are used in a variety of ways in our daily lives, including calculating areas, determining the profit of a product, and calculating the speed of an object. There will be at least one squared variable within the quadratic equation and represented in the form of ax² + bx + c = 0, where x is the variable, ‘a’ ‘b’ ‘c’ are constants, and ‘a’ does not amount to zero. The discriminant quadratic function can be used to find the solution to the equation.

What does a discriminant of 0 mean?

It means you have a 0 under the square root in the quadratic formula if the discriminant is 0. 0 is the square root of zero. When this occurs, the plus and minus parts of the quadratic formula just disappear. One solution remains.

What is the discriminant of 3x²- 10x =- 2?

Here, a=3, b=-10 and c=2. Substitute the values, Therefore, the discriminant of is 76.

What is discriminant in math?

Discriminant, in mathematics, a parameter of an object or system calculated as an aid to its classification or solution. In the case of a quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0, the discriminant is b² − 4ac; for a cubic equation x³ + ax² + bx + c = 0, the discriminant is a²b² + 18abc − 4b³ − 4a³c − 27c².