Mathematical geometric shapes are mathematical figures that represent the shapes of everyday objects. The geometry of shapes is the study of objects with boundaries, angles, and surfaces. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes are both studied.

Similarly, shapes are classified according to their regularity or uniformity. A regular shape is usually symmetrical, such as a square or circle. Asymmetrical shapes are irregular shapes. They are also called organic shapes or freeform shapes. Trees, for example, have irregular shapes.

Two-dimensional shapes in plane geometry are flat shapes and closed figures such as circles, squares, rectangles, rhombuses, etc. Three-dimensional shapes in solid geometry are the cube, cuboid, cone, sphere, and cylinder. Several of these shapes are familiar to us in daily life. For example, books have a cuboid shape, glasses have a cylindrical shape, traffic cones have a conical shape, etc. You will learn about different geometric shapes and their definitions in this article.

Geometric Shapes: Definition

Objects can be represented by geometric shapes, which are geometrical figures. Three-dimensional shapes are sometimes two-dimensional, and sometimes two-dimensional. The two-dimensional figures lie only on the x- and y-axes, but 3D shapes lie on the x, y, and z axes. This is the height of the object on the z-axis. In geometry, different shapes are defined. We have previously discussed this in the introduction.

Geometric Shapes
Geometric Shapes

Any of these figures can be drawn or designed by starting with a line, a line segment, or a curve. We can generate different types of figures and shapes by arranging these lines in different ways, such as a triangle, a figure made up of connected segments of three lines, a Pentagon made up of five lines, and so on. But not all figures are complete figures.

Types of Geometric Shapes

It is considered an open geometric shape when an object or a shape does not have both ends connected. Objects or shapes that are connected at both ends are defined as closed geometric shapes. There are two types of closed geometric shapes:

  1. Geometric shapes in two dimensions: These are two-dimensional shapes with only x- and y-axes. They are flat, two-dimensional structures. Examples include triangles, squares, rectangles, etc.
  2. Three-dimensional geometric shapes: These are 3D shapes that have an x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. This is the height of the object on the z-axis. They are solid, three-dimensional structures. They may be cubes or cuboids, for example.

To draw any of these figures, we must start with a line, a curve, or a line segment. Thus, based on the number and arrangement of the lines, we can make various shapes and figures, for example, by joining four-line segments, a rectangle appears. By joining three-line segments, a triangle appears, and so on.

List Of Two Dimensional Geometric Shapes

  • Triangle
  • Circle
  • Semi-Circle
  • Square
  • Rectangle
  • Parallelogram
  • Rhombus
  • Trapezium
  • Kite
  • Polygons (Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon, Nonagon, Decagon, etc.)
Two Dimensional Geometric Shapes
Two Dimensional Geometric Shapes

Let us take a look at the five basic 2-dimensional geometric shapes.

Triangle: A triangle is a closed two-dimensional geometric shape with three sides. As an example, a slice of pizza in the shape of nachos.

Square: A square is a two-dimensional geometric shape with four equal sides. The shapes of a chessboard and a carrom board, for instance.

Rectangle: A rectangle is a four-sided, two-dimensional geometric shape whose opposite sides are equal in length. Computer screens are examples of rectangles.

Circle: A circle is a closed two-dimensional geometric figure whose shape is round. Circles do not have corners or lines. For example, pizza base, wheel.

Oval: An oval is similar to a circle but its shape is slightly elongated. An oval has no straight lines or corners. For example, the number zero (0).

List Of Three Dimensional Geometric Shapes

  • Sphere
  • Cube
  • Cuboid
  • Cone
  • Cylinder
Three Dimensional Geometric Shapes
Three Dimensional Geometric Shapes

Let us learn about the six basic 3-dimensional geometric shapes.

Cube: A cube is a 3D geometric shape, made up of six squares of equal sides. For example, a ludo dice, a Rubik’s cube

Cuboid: A cuboid is a 3D geometric shape that is formed by six rectangles. For example, a book, a box

Cylinder: As a geometric shape, a cylinder has two identical circular flat ends that are solid in three dimensions. For example, a can of cooldrink or a pool noodle.

Sphere: A sphere is a solid 3D geometric shape that looks like a ball. For example, football, basketball, etc.

Hemisphere: A hemisphere is a geometric shape that is half of a sphere. For example, Soup bowls.

Cone: Cones are geometrical 3D shapes that have a flat circular base and a rounded top called an apex. For example, ice cream cones and clown hats.

Examples of 2D Geometric Shapes In Everyday Life

Two-dimensional shapes are flat figures with width and height, but no depth. A rectangular shape, a square, a triangle, or a circle is a type of 2D geometric shape. Check out a list of different 2D geometric shapes, along with descriptions and examples of how to spot them.

These are all flat shapes without depth. Therefore, you can still determine the shape of these objects with a picture. This is not true of three-dimensional shapes.

Circle Examples

A circle is a rounded shape with the same radius from a fixed point in the center. Some examples of real circles are:

  • Pizza Pies
  • Cookies
  • Wheels Of A Bike
  • Clock Faces
  • Dinner Plates

Square Examples

Four equal straight sides with four right angles make a square. Some real-life examples of squares are:

  • Square Rubber Stamps
  • Square Tiles On The Floor
  • Square Paper Napkins
  • Chess Boards
  • Virtual Keyboard Keys

Triangle Examples

A triangle is a three-sided figure with straight sides. There are many different kinds of triangles, depending on their angle. These are some examples of triangles in real life:

  • Pizza slices
  • Sliced diagonally, a sandwich
  • Chips made from tortillas
  • A Boat Sails
  • A yield sign tells drivers to yield

Rectangle Examples

Rectangles have four straight sides with four right angles, just like squares. However, two sides are shorter than the others. Check out examples like these:

  • Covers of chapter books
  • Smartphones
  • Frames for pictures
  • The Dollar Bill
  • Icing Cream Sandwiches

Pentagon Examples

An equal-length five-sided shape is a pentagon. Quadrilaterals have four sides, and they are more common than octagons, but they are still found in nature. Examples of pentagons include:

  • The Pentagon Building
  • Soccer Balls With Black Sections
  • Baseball’s home plate
  • Crossing signs for traffic

Hexagon Examples

Hexagons are formed by adding one side to a pentagon. They have six straight sides of equal length. Take a look at these examples:

  • Ice Crystals
  • Snowflakes
  • Beehive Cells
  • Outline Of A Metal Nut
  • White Sections On Soccer Balls

Octagon Examples

The shape of an octagon is formed by eight straight sides, typically of equal length. You are more likely to find them in everyday life than you think. Here are a few examples:

  • Stop Signs
  • Open Umbrellas
  • UFC Ring
  • Poker Tables

Trapezoid Examples

A trapezoid is a four-sided figure with just one pair of parallel sides. You can find trapezoids in the following examples:

  • The Trusses On Bridges
  • Some Handbag Sides
  • A Half-eaten Piece Of Pizza
  • Musical Dulcimer

Examples of 3D Geometric Shapes

A three-dimensional shape has length, width, and thickness, unlike two-dimensional shapes. Shapes in three dimensions include pyramids, spheres, and cubicles. Take a look at these everyday 3D geometric shapes.

Several of these shapes are interchangeable, of course. There are certainly circular bags and other types of bags that are not necessarily parallelograms. There are also many other two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometric shapes not included in this list.

Sphere Examples

A sphere is a solid figure that is round. In addition, each point on a sphere is equidistant from the radius in the center. They possess volume, but not depth, unlike circles. Here are some examples:

  • Basketballs
  • Planets
  • Oranges
  • Marbles
  • Tennis Balls

Cube Examples

The six faces of a cube are all squares. They create depth when arranged as a 3D cube, also called a square prism. A cube can include the following:

  • Six-sided Dice
  • Sugar Cubes
  • Square Building Blocks
  • Rubix Cubes
  • Square Packing Boxes

Cone Examples

The base of a cone tapers to a single point. A cone is found in many everyday items, such as:

  • Traffic Cones
  • Waffle Ice Cream Cones
  • Party Hats
  • Christmas Trees
  • Funnels

Cylinder Examples

Cylinders are three-dimensional figures with parallel sides and circular cross-sections. They can be found in real-life situations like these:

  • Tubes made of cardboard for paper towels
  • Pipes that are straight
  • Glasses for drinking
  • Tubes for Chapstick
  • Cans

Ellipsoid Examples

Having been flattened on both sides, an ellipsoid is not perfectly round. A spheroid, also known as an ellipsoid, creates an oval shape in 3D. Examples of ellipsoids include:

  • Footballs
  • Eggs
  • Some of Saturn’s satellite moons (Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys)

Rectangular Prism Examples

An abstract object made of two opposites with the same form and connected by parallel straight sides is a rectangular prism. These prisms have four rectangles and two squares. Rectangular prisms are found in the following examples:

  • Sticks Of Butter
  • Bricks
  • Cameras
  • Cereal Boxes
  • Rectangular Packing Boxes

Triangular Prism

Triangular prisms resemble rectangular prisms, except that their square faces are triangles, making them three-sided prisms. Real-life examples of triangular prisms include:

  • Tents
  • Wedges Of Watermelon
  • Wedges Of Cheese
  • Slices Of Cake

Pyramid Examples

The pyramid is a three-dimensional figure whose sides meet at a point and which has one flat side. Any three-sided shape is possible, including triangles (triangular pyramids), squares (square pyramids), and pentagons (pentagonal pyramids). Some examples are:

  • The Great Pyramid Of Giza
  • The Roof Of A House
  • Some Free-standing Cheese Graters
  • Glass Lourve Pyramid

2D Geometric Shapes:

2D geometric shapes are flat, two-dimensional figures that are defined by their boundaries and attributes such as length, width, and angles. Some common examples of 2D geometric shapes include triangles, circles, squares, rectangles, and polygons. These shapes are fundamental in mathematics and have various applications in fields like architecture, engineering, and graphic design.

– Triangle: A polygon with three sides and three angles. It can be equilateral (all sides and angles are equal), isosceles (two sides and two angles are equal), or scalene (no sides or angles are equal).
– Circle: A perfectly round shape with all points equidistant from its center. It has no sides or angles.
– Square: A quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles.

Solution using related entities:
When working with 2D geometric shapes, it’s important to understand their properties and formulas. For example, if you need to calculate the area of a triangle, you can use the formula A = (base * height) / 2. To find the circumference of a circle, you can use the formula C = 2πr, where “r” represents the radius.

Additionally, you can leverage software or online tools that allow you to draw and manipulate 2D shapes. These tools often provide features such as measurement calculations, angle visualization, and shape transformation.

3D Geometric Shapes:

Unlike 2D shapes, 3D geometric shapes have depth and volume. They exist in three-dimensional space and are characterized by attributes such as length, width, height, and angles. Examples of 3D geometric shapes include cubes, spheres, cylinders, pyramids, and prisms. These shapes are extensively used in fields like architecture, computer graphics, and manufacturing.

– Cube: A three-dimensional shape with six square faces, all of equal size. It has 12 edges and eight vertices.
– Sphere: A perfectly round shape where all points on its surface are equidistant from its center. It has no faces, edges, or vertices.
– Cylinder: A shape with two parallel circular bases and a curved surface connecting them. It has two circular faces, one curved face, and no vertices.

Solution using related entities:
When working with 3D geometric shapes, understanding their properties is crucial. For instance, to calculate the volume of a cylinder, you can use the formula V = πr²h, where “r” represents the radius of the base and “h” represents the height. To find the surface area of a cube, you can use the formula SA = 6s², where “s” represents the length of one side.

Utilizing computer-aided design (CAD) software can be beneficial for visualizing and manipulating 3D shapes. CAD tools provide capabilities such as creating complex 3D models, performing measurements, and simulating real-world scenarios.

Geometric Shapes in Art:

Geometric shapes have been utilized in art for centuries. Artists use geometric shapes to create visually appealing compositions, explore symmetry, and convey abstract concepts. Geometric art can be found in various forms such as paintings, sculptures, architecture, and digital art. It often incorporates mathematical principles and precise measurements to achieve balance and harmony.

– Piet Mondrian: A Dutch artist who is known for his abstract paintings consisting of grids and primary colors, such as his famous work “Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow.”
– Islamic Art: Many Islamic art forms, such as geometric patterns in mosques, utilize intricate geometric shapes to create mesmerizing designs with repetitive motifs.
-Minimalism: The art movement of minimalism often incorporates simple geometric shapes, clean lines, and solid colors to achieve a sense of purity and simplicity.

Solution using related entities:
To incorporate geometric shapes in art, artists can experiment with different compositions and arrangements. They can explore symmetry, balance, and proportion to create visually engaging artwork. Using tools like rulers, compasses, and stencils can aid in achieving precise geometric shapes and accurate measurements.

Artists can also explore digital art platforms and software that offer tools specifically designed for creating geometric art. These tools often provide features like shape manipulation, symmetry tools, and color customization, allowing artists to create complex geometric compositions with ease.

Sacred Geometric Shapes:

Sacred geometric shapes are recurring patterns and symbols that hold symbolic and spiritual significance in various cultures and religions. They are often associated with concepts of divinity, creation, and cosmic order. Examples of sacred geometric shapes include the Flower of Life, the Sri Yantra, and the Vesica Piscis. These shapes are used in spiritual practices, sacred architecture, and mystical artwork.

– Flower of Life: A geometric pattern composed of overlapping circles forming flower-like shapes. It is considered a symbol of creation and the interconnectedness of all life.
– Sri Yantra: A sacred symbol in Hinduism composed of nine interlocking triangles. It represents the divine union of masculine and feminine energies.
– Vesica Piscis: A shape formed by the intersection of two circles of equal size. It is associated with spiritual and symbolic meanings, representing the union of heaven and earth.

Solution using related entities:
Sacred geometric shapes are often used in meditation, spiritual rituals, and energy healing practices. Exploring books, workshops, or online resources on sacred geometry can provide a deeper understanding of these shapes and their significance. Artists and designers can incorporate sacred geometric shapes into their work to evoke spiritual and transcendent experiences.

Geometric Shapes Design:

Geometric shapes are extensively used in graphic design, industrial design, and product design. They provide a sense of structure, order, and visual interest in designs. Geometric design can range from minimalist and clean compositions to intricate and complex patterns. It is often employed in logos, packaging, textiles, and architectural designs.

– Swiss Style: The Swiss Style, also known as the International Typographic Style, utilizes clean lines, grids, and simple geometric shapes to create minimalist and functional designs.
– Art Deco: The Art Deco movement incorporates geometric shapes, such as triangles, circles, and zigzags, to create glamorous and luxurious designs, often seen in architecture and interior design.
– Tessellations: Tessellations are repeating patterns of geometric shapes that fit together without gaps or overlaps. They can be used in design to create visually captivating and mathematically precise compositions.

Solution using related entities:
When working on geometric design, designers can experiment with different shapes, colors, and compositions to create visually striking visuals. They can leverage graphic design software and tools to create and manipulate geometric shapes efficiently. Understanding principles of design, such as balance, hierarchy, and contrast, can enhance the effectiveness of geometric design.

Additionally, studying the works of renowned designers and exploring design trends can provide inspiration and guidance for incorporating geometric shapes effectively in design projects.

Overall, geometric shapes play a significant role in various aspects of our lives, including mathematics, art, spirituality, and design. Understanding their properties, applications, and symbolic meanings allows us to appreciate their beauty and leverage them effectively in different fields.


What are examples of geometric shapes?

Geometric shapes include squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, ovals, pentagons, and so on.

What is a geometric shape?

Mathematical shapes are geometric shapes. They are regular and perfect. Points, lines, and angles make up a mathematical shape. A perfect circle is an exception to this rule since it has no straight lines or points. Other geometric shapes include squares, rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, hexagons, etc.

How many types of geometrical shapes are there?

There are two types of geometric shapes: two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D). The former can be drawn by referring to the X and Y axes, while the latter also includes the Z-axis. 2D shapes and figures are mainly composed of points and connecting lines.

What are the 5 basic shapes?

Basic shapes include square, rectangle, circle, oval, triangle, and diamond, which are the most common shapes your child will encounter.

What are the main geometric concepts?

  • Points, Lines, Planes, and Angles
  • Proof
  • Perpendicular and parallel
  • Triangles
  • Similarity
  • Right triangles and trigonometry
  • Quadrilaterals
  • Transformations

What are the 2 types of shapes called?

Geometric shapes and free-form shapes are two types of shapes. Geometric shapes are precise shapes that can be described by mathematical formulas. Geometric shapes include circles, squares, triangles, ovals, rectangles, octagons, parallelograms, trapezoids, pentagons, and hexagons.

What Are Geometric Shapes in Art?

Geometric shapes in art refer to the use of simple, precise, and regular shapes such as squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles in artistic compositions. Artists often incorporate geometric shapes to create visual interest, explore symmetry, and convey abstract concepts. Geometric art can be found in various forms, including paintings, sculptures, architecture, and digital art. It can range from minimalist and clean compositions to intricate and complex patterns.

Geometric shapes in art can be seen throughout history in different art movements and cultures. For example, artists during the Renaissance period used geometric principles to create realistic proportions and perspectives in their artwork. In the 20th century, movements like Cubism and Constructivism explored the fragmentation and abstraction of forms through geometric shapes.

What Do Geometric Shapes Suggest?

Geometric shapes suggest various visual and symbolic meanings depending on their attributes, arrangements, and contexts. Here are some common suggestions associated with geometric shapes:

– Stability and Order: Geometric shapes, with their precise lines and balanced proportions, suggest stability and orderliness. They can create a sense of harmony and structure in art and design.

– Balance and Symmetry: Geometric shapes often exhibit symmetrical properties, suggesting a sense of balance and equilibrium. Symmetry can evoke feelings of calmness and aesthetic appeal.

– Precision and Rationality: Geometric shapes, being precise and regular, can suggest a sense of rationality and precision. They are often associated with logic, mathematics, and scientific principles.

– Modernity and Progress: Geometric shapes have been widely used in modern and contemporary art and design movements. Their use can suggest a forward-thinking, progressive approach and a departure from traditional forms.

– Minimalism and Simplicity: Geometric shapes are frequently employed in minimalist art and design, suggesting simplicity, clarity, and reduction of unnecessary elements.

– Abstract Concepts: Geometric shapes can also suggest abstract concepts and ideas beyond their literal representation. Artists often use geometric shapes to convey emotions, philosophies, or metaphysical concepts.

It’s important to note that the interpretation of geometric shapes can vary based on cultural, historical, and individual perspectives.

Two Geometric Shapes Are Similar When?

Two geometric shapes are considered similar when they have the same shape but possibly different sizes. In other words, the corresponding angles of the shapes are equal, and their corresponding sides are proportional. The concept of similarity is fundamental in geometry and allows us to compare and relate shapes based on their proportions.

For example, two triangles are similar if their corresponding angles are equal, and their corresponding sides are in proportion. This means that the ratios of the lengths of corresponding sides are the same in both triangles. Similarity enables us to make predictions about the properties of shapes and solve problems involving proportions.

Which Ancient Roman’s Writings on Architecture Related the Human Body to Geometric Shapes?

The ancient Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius is known for his writings on architecture, particularly his work titled “De Architectura” (On Architecture). In this influential treatise, Vitruvius discussed various architectural principles and concepts, including the relationship between the human body and geometric shapes.

Vitruvius proposed that architectural designs should be in harmony with the proportions of the human body. He emphasized the idea that the ideal human body can be inscribed within geometric shapes, specifically the circle and the square. This concept is famously illustrated in Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing “Vitruvian Man,” which depicts a male figure positioned within a circle and a square.

Vitruvius’ writings on the relationship between the human body and geometric shapes contributed to the development of architectural theories and influenced subsequent architects and artists throughout history.

What Are Geometric Shapes in Geometry?

In geometry, geometric shapes refer to fundamental figures that can be defined by their boundaries and attributes. These shapes exist in two or three dimensions and have specific properties and formulas associated with them. Here are some examples of geometric shapes in geometry:

– 2D Geometric Shapes: These shapes exist on a flat surface and include triangles, circles, squares, rectangles, polygons (such as pentagons or hexagons), and more. They are characterized by their sides, angles, and properties specific to their shape.

– 3D Geometric Shapes: These shapes exist in three-dimensional space and include cubes, spheres, cylinders, cones, pyramids, prisms, and more. They are characterized by their faces, edges, vertices, and specific formulas for calculating their properties, such as volume and surface area.

Geometry studies the properties, relationships, and measurements of these geometric shapes. It explores concepts like symmetry, congruence, similarity, and transformations to understand the structure and behavior of geometric figures.

What Is the Use of Geometric Shapes?

Geometric shapes have numerous practical and creative applications. Here are some common uses of geometric shapes:

– Mathematics: Geometric shapes are fundamental in mathematics and serve as building blocks for various mathematical concepts. They enable the study of geometry, spatial relationships, measurement, and calculations.

– Engineering and Architecture: Geometric shapes play a vital role in engineering and architecture. They are used in design and construction processes, enabling accurate measurements, structural stability, and efficient use of materials.

– Graphic Design and Visual Arts: Geometric shapes are extensively used in graphic design, visual arts, and typography. They provide structure, balance, and visual interest in compositions, logos, illustrations, and patterns.

– Manufacturing and Industrial Design: Geometric shapes are used in manufacturing and industrial design to create products and components with specific shapes, dimensions, and functionalities. They aid in prototyping, 3D modeling, and designing machinery parts.

– Data Visualization: Geometric shapes are employed in data visualization to represent and communicate information effectively. Bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs utilize geometric shapes to display data in a visually understandable format.

– Symbolism and Signage: Geometric shapes often carry symbolic meanings and are used in signage and wayfinding systems. For example, a triangle may indicate caution, while a circle may represent inclusivity or unity.

– Artistic Expression: Geometric shapes have been utilized by artists throughout history to create visually appealing compositions, explore symmetry, and convey abstract concepts. They provide a versatile tool for artistic expression in various art forms.

Overall, geometric shapes have practical applications in fields like mathematics, engineering, and design, while also serving as a creative tool for artistic expression.