Gliding Joint Examples: Even though we all know we move, the process of HOW we do so is not completely understood by most of us. For us to move or do anything at all, we rely on many physiological systems working together. Our ability to move becomes greatly hindered if any of these biological systems become dysfunctional. As an individual, you have several physiological systems that drive and control your ability to move. Today, we will examine one such system that is extremely important for balance and fine motor control.

It is well known how important joints are to our ability to move. In particular, this applies to anyone who has suffered joint injuries in the past. You can be quite surprised how a small part of your body can control such amazing and significant ranges of motion, while also causing problems when it is damaged. A joint, also known as an articular surface or articulation, is a connecting point between bones in the body. The skeleton functions as a functional whole thanks to the joints.

They are responsible for the gliding motion of the joint where they are located. We are going to focus on a particular type of joint in the following paragraphs. The gliding joint is the type of joint we are going to discuss.

What Is Gliding Joint?

Planar joints, also known as gliding joints or plane joints, form between bones that are flat or nearly flat at the points of contact. The bones can move past each other across the plane of the joint in any direction – up and down, left and right, and diagonally. There is also the possibility of slight rotations at these joints, but these are limited by the shape of the bones and the flexibility of the joint capsule.

Gliding Joint Examples
Gliding Joint Examples

To prevent injuries, synovial joints provide gliding joints with flexibility along with a limit on their movement. Joint capsules are lined with synovial membranes, which produce oily synovial fluid to lubricate and reduce friction. Fibrous joint capsules and associated ligaments keep the bones from sliding and prevent them from dislocating. The cartilage between your bones provides a smooth, rubbery surface that works both as a cushion during impacts and as a glide aid.

The appendicular skeleton has numerous gliding joints between the carpal and metacarpal bones of the wrist, the tarsal bones of the ankle, and the tarsal and metatarsal bones of the foot. Hands and feet are able to move smoothly due to the flattened facets between the small bones. One of the gliding joints of the shoulder is the acromioclavicular (AC) joint, which increases the shoulder’s flexibility and provides a pivot point for shoulder elevations and depressed positions.

Additionally, the axial skeleton forms sliding joints throughout the neck and trunk to enhance these regions’ flexibility. Two sets of gliding joints in the thoracic region, one along the sternum (breast bone) and one along the vertebral column, allow the ribs to rise and fall slightly and change the volume of the thoracic cavity. Performing the vital process of breathing requires slight movements of the ribs.

At the intervertebral joints, there is another set of gliding joints between the facets of the twenty-six vertebrae. As these joints glide, the trunk can flex, extend, lateral flex, and rotate while the vertebral column remains strong, supporting the weight of the body and protecting its spinal cord.

Gliding Joint Examples

Joints are mainly divided into structural joints and functional joints. Joints are classified as structural or functional based on how they attach to each other. A structural joint is determined by the manner in which the bones are attached, while a functional joint is determined by the degree and type of joint movement allowed between the articulating bones. There are plenty of joints that fall between these two classifications. Gliding joints are usually classified as functional joints.

  • Ankle Joint
  • Wrist Joints
  • Zygapophyseal Joints

Ankle Joints: Ankle joints are composed of several gliding joints. Mainly the ankle consists of the fibula and tibia bones in your lower leg, as well as the tarsal bone in your foot. Several gliding joints are also found between the tarsal bones.

Wrist Joints: The wrists have even more joints that glide. Carpal bones are found in two layers on the wrist. Trapezoid, trapezium, hamate, and capitate are the first layer of carpal bones closest to the fingers. The lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, and scaphoid bones make up the second layer of carpal bones, closest to the bones in the forearm. Each of these bones has several gliding joints that allow the wrist to make complex joint movements.

Zygapophyseal Joints: The zygapophyseal joints are the gliding joints that are located between the articular processes of the spine. They enable the spine to move and remain stable.


There are three types of motion possible at a gliding joint: linear motion, for instance smooth sliding of bone past bone (this is why the joints seem to glide), angular movement, such as bending and stretching, and circular movement. Gliding joints are formed by the ends of bone joining. This enables them to slide, bend, and twist.

Role In Human Health

In relation to human health, gliding joints (as well as the other types of synovial joints) allow the skeleton to move freely and provide flexibility.

Common Diseases And Disorders

The gliding joints (and the other joints) can be affected by such conditions as the following:

  • Ankylosis: Fusing of bones across a joint. Arthritis often causes this problem.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis: The progressive form of inflammatory arthritis that leads to ankylosis is known as ankylosing spondylitis. Most often, it affects males in their teens.
  • Capsulitis: Inflammation of the membrane capsule that produces and encloses the synovial fluid.
  • Dislocation: The displacing of a bone from its normal position, causing tendons to stretch and strain.
  • Neoplasms: Abnormal growths (neoplasms) involving the gliding joints are rare. Usually, such growths are benign (noncancerous) growths of cartilage or tendons at the joints of the wrists. Sarcoma of the synovial membrane capsule resembles a cancerous (malignant) growth of cells that are found there. Young adults have large joints in which it is found on the surface of bone contacts.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: A common form of chronic inflammation of the joints. Joints become swollen, stiff, the temperature is elevated, and there is redness. Joint disease is caused by the destruction of bone, cartilage, and ligaments.

Gliding Joint Examples In The Body:

Gliding joints, also known as plane joints, are a type of synovial joint found in the human body. They allow bones to glide or slide past each other in various directions without significant rotational or angular movement. Here are some examples of gliding joints in the body:

a) Intercarpal Joints: These joints are found between the small bones of the wrist, known as the carpals. They allow for gliding movements, enabling the hand to move smoothly in different directions. In terms of salaries, there is no specific salary associated with the intercarpal joint as it refers to a physical structure rather than a job position.

b) Intertarsal Joints: These joints are located between the tarsal bones of the foot. They facilitate gliding movements, contributing to the flexibility and stability of the foot during activities such as walking or running. Similar to the intercarpal joint, there is no salary associated with the intertarsal joint.

c) Sternoclavicular Joint: This joint connects the sternum (breastbone) to the clavicle (collarbone). It allows for slight gliding movements, assisting in shoulder movements and providing stability to the upper body. In terms of salaries, it would depend on the occupation or position related to the joint, such as physical therapist, orthopedic surgeon, or exercise physiologist, among others.

Gliding Joint Movement Examples:

Gliding joints allow for a variety of movements within the body. Here are some movement examples associated with gliding joints:

a) Wrist Movements: The gliding joints in the wrist, known as intercarpal joints, enable movements such as flexion (bending the wrist downward), extension (bringing the wrist upward), abduction (moving the wrist sideways away from the midline), and adduction (moving the wrist sideways toward the midline). These movements allow for dexterity in activities like writing, playing musical instruments, or using tools.

b) Ankle Movements: The intertarsal joints in the ankle facilitate movements such as inversion (turning the sole of the foot inward) and eversion (turning the sole of the foot outward). These movements contribute to maintaining balance and stability while walking, running, or engaging in sports.

c) Shoulder Movements: The sternoclavicular joint, a gliding joint in the shoulder, allows for minimal gliding movements during shoulder protraction (forward movement) and retraction (backward movement). These movements are involved in activities like reaching forward or pulling the shoulders backward.

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Examples Of Gliding Joint:

Gliding joints can be found in various parts of the body, facilitating smooth gliding movements. Here are some examples of gliding joints:

a) Intercarpal Joints: These joints exist between the small bones of the wrist, allowing for gliding movements and wrist flexibility.

b) Intertarsal Joints: Found between the tarsal bones of the foot, these joints enable gliding movements that contribute to foot stability and flexibility.

c) Acromioclavicular Joint: This joint connects the acromion of the scapula (shoulder blade) to the clavicle. It is a gliding joint that permits movement and stabilization of the shoulder complex.

Plane Gliding Joint Examples:

A plane joint, also referred to as a gliding joint, is a type of synovial joint where the articular surfaces of the bones involved are flat or slightly curved. Examples of plane gliding joints include:

a) Intercarpal Joints: These joints are formed between the carpal bones of the wrist. They allow for smooth gliding movements and contribute to the flexibility and fine motor skills of the hand.

b) Intertarsal Joints: Found between the tarsal bones of the foot, these plane gliding joints facilitate gliding movements during foot flexion, extension, inversion, and eversion.

c) Facet Joints of the Spine: The facet joints, located between the articular processes of adjacent vertebrae, are plane gliding joints. They enable the vertebral column to move and rotate smoothly, providing flexibility and stability.

Gliding Joint Examples Shoulder:

In the shoulder, there is a specific gliding joint known as the acromioclavicular joint. It connects the acromion process of the scapula (shoulder blade) to the clavicle (collarbone). The acromioclavicular joint allows for gliding movements, contributing to the stability and mobility of the shoulder. Some movement examples of this gliding joint include protraction (forward movement) and retraction (backward movement) of the shoulder.

Salaries associated with the shoulder joint would depend on the specific occupation or position related to the shoulder joint, such as orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists specializing in shoulder rehabilitation, or sports medicine physicians. The salaries for these positions vary widely depending on factors such as experience, location, and level of expertise.

Gliding Joint Examples In Human Body:

The human body contains several gliding joints that allow for smooth movements and flexibility. Here are a few examples of gliding joints in the human body:

a) Intercarpal Joints: These joints are present between the small bones of the wrist, allowing for gliding movements and precise hand motions.

b) Intertarsal Joints: Located between the tarsal bones of the foot, these gliding joints contribute to foot flexibility and stability during walking, running, and jumping.

c) Vertebrae Joints: The joints between adjacent vertebrae in the spine, known as facet joints, are also examples of gliding joints. They enable gliding movements and slight rotations, contributing to the overall flexibility and support of the vertebral column.

Gliding Joint Examples Knee:

While the knee joint is primarily classified as a hinge joint, it does exhibit some gliding movements during certain actions. The patellofemoral joint, which is formed between the patella (kneecap) and the femur (thigh bone), allows for gliding and rotational movements. These movements occur when the knee is flexed or extended, allowing the patella to glide along the groove on the femur.

Regarding salaries associated with the knee joint, it would depend on the specific occupations or positions related to knee joint health and treatment. This may include orthopedic surgeons specializing in knee surgeries, physical therapists focusing on knee rehabilitation, or sports medicine physicians. Salaries for these positions can vary significantly depending on various factors such as experience, location, and specialization.

Gliding Joint Movement:

Gliding joints, also known as plane joints, enable gliding or sliding movements between the articulating surfaces of bones. Unlike hinge joints or ball-and-socket joints, gliding joints allow bones to move past each other without significant rotation or angular movement. The movement in gliding joints is primarily characterized by a gliding or sliding motion.

For example, in the intercarpal joints of the wrist, gliding movements allow the hand to move smoothly in different directions, contributing to fine motor skills and dexterity. Similarly, in the intertarsal joints of the foot, gliding movements facilitate the flexibility and stability required for activities such as walking or running.

Gliding Joint Function:

The primary function of gliding joints is to provide stability and facilitate smooth gliding movements between bones. Here are some key functions of gliding joints:

a) Flexibility: Gliding joints allow bones to move smoothly past each other, enhancing the flexibility of the joint and enabling a wide range of movements.

b) Stability: While gliding joints do not provide as much stability as other types of joints, such as ball-and-socket joints or hinge joints, they still contribute to joint stability by ensuring the bones remain properly aligned during movements.

c) Load Distribution: Gliding joints distribute forces and loads evenly across the joint surface, minimizing the risk of excessive stress on specific areas and reducing the likelihood of joint injuries.

d) Shock Absorption: Gliding joints possess synovial fluid within the joint cavity, which helps to absorb and distribute shocks, protecting the joint surfaces during movements.

Overall, gliding joints play a crucial role in facilitating smooth and coordinated movements, maintaining joint health, and supporting daily activities.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gliding Joint Examples

Where is the gliding joint present in the body?

Between the tarsal bones and the carpal bones are glide joints. Elbows, knees, and ankles are examples of hinge joints. Atlas and axis form a pivot joint. One example of a saddle joint is the joint between the metacarpal and carpal thumb of the hand.

What are the major gliding joints?

Joints with articular surfaces that permit gliding or sliding motion only. There are examples of acromioclavicular joints between the scapula and the acromion together (between the acromion and the clavicle).

What bones make up a gliding joint?

At the ankle, there is the joint formed by the two bones of your foot and the fibula and tibia in the lower part of your leg. There are also other gliding joints located between the tarsal bones as well.

Are the gliding joint is present in?

The sliding joint occurs between the surfaces of two flat bones that are held together by ligaments. In your wrists and ankles, some bones glide against each other.

What movements can a gliding joint do?

Gliding joints can move in three different directions: linearly, such as bone sliding over bone in an effortless motion (hence the name “gliding” joint), angularly, such as bending and stretching, and circularly.

What is a double gliding joint?

The double synovial joints connect the mandible’s condylar processes to the temporal bones of the skull. They function as upper gliding joints and lower hinge or ginglymoid joints and are connected by an articular disk.

What sports use gliding joints?

In addition to gliding joints, there are also six synovial joints with flat or curved surfaces. These can be found on the tarsal bones, carpal bones, or vertebrae. Joints During Exercise These are commonly performed exercises like walking, running, biking, and swimming use a variety of synovial joints.

Is the ankle a gliding joint?

Gliding joints move in one plane against each other. Intervertebral joints and wrist and ankle bones are among the major gliding joints.

What Are Some Examples Of A Gliding Joint?

Some examples of gliding joints, also known as plane joints, in the human body include:

a) Intercarpal Joints: These joints are found between the small bones of the wrist, known as the carpals. They allow for gliding movements, enabling the hand to move smoothly in different directions.

b) Intertarsal Joints: These joints are located between the tarsal bones of the foot. They facilitate gliding movements, contributing to the flexibility and stability of the foot during activities such as walking or running.

c) Facet Joints of the Spine: The facet joints are gliding joints located between the articular processes of adjacent vertebrae. They allow for gliding movements and slight rotations, contributing to the flexibility and stability of the vertebral column.

d) Acromioclavicular Joint: This joint connects the acromion of the scapula (shoulder blade) to the clavicle (collarbone). It is a gliding joint that permits movement and stabilization of the shoulder complex.

Gliding Planar Joint Examples Of When They’re Used?

Gliding or planar joints are used in various situations and activities that require smooth, gliding movements between bones. Here are some examples:

a) Writing: The intercarpal joints in the wrist allow for gliding movements necessary for precise control of the pen or pencil during writing.

b) Playing Musical Instruments: Musicians, such as pianists or guitarists, rely on the gliding movements of their intercarpal joints to produce coordinated and fluid motions while playing their instruments.

c) Balance and Stability: The intertarsal joints in the foot enable gliding movements that help maintain balance and stability while standing, walking, or engaging in activities that require weight-bearing on the feet.

d) Fine Motor Skills: Gliding joints play a crucial role in activities that require delicate finger movements, such as painting, drawing, sewing, or playing video games.

What Are the 3 Gliding Joints?

The three primary gliding joints in the human body are:

a) Intercarpal Joints: These are the gliding joints located between the carpal bones of the wrist.

b) Intertarsal Joints: These gliding joints are found between the tarsal bones of the foot.

c) Facet Joints of the Spine: The facet joints, also known as zygapophysial joints, are gliding joints that exist between the articular processes of adjacent vertebrae.

These gliding joints allow for smooth and coordinated movements, contributing to flexibility, stability, and range of motion in the wrist, foot, and spine.

What Is An Example Of Plane And Gliding Joint?

Plane joints and gliding joints are often used interchangeably as they refer to the same type of joint. An example of a plane or gliding joint is the intercarpal joint of the wrist. This joint is formed between the carpal bones of the wrist and allows for gliding movements. It enables the hand to move smoothly in various directions, facilitating fine motor skills and dexterity.

The term “plane joint” is commonly used in anatomical terminology to describe the flat or slightly curved articular surfaces of the bones involved in these types of joints. Gliding joint is a more general term used to emphasize the specific type of movement allowed by these joints, which is the gliding or sliding motion between the articulating surfaces.