Grams to Atoms Calculator is a free online tool that converts grams to atoms for a particle. STUDYQUERIES’s Grams to Atoms calculator makes the conversion faster and displays the result in a fraction of a second.

How to Use Grams to Atoms Calculator?

The steps for using the grams to atoms calculator are as follows:

  • Step 1: Enter the mass in grams, and the name of the compound in the respective input field
  • Step 2: Now click the button “Submit” to get the output
  • Step 3: The result of the conversion from grams to atoms will be displayed in the new window

Grams To Atoms Calculator

Grams To Atoms Conversion Calculator: Step By Step Guide

If the objects are very small, it is often inconvenient, inefficient, or impossible to deal with them one at a time. Because of this, we often work with very small objects in groups and have even invented names for a variety of objects. One of the most common is “dozen,” which refers to 12 objects. Most of the time, we buy objects in groups of 12, such as doughnuts and pencils. Even smaller objects such as staples or straight pins are usually sold in boxes of 144, or a dozen. This is called gross.

Grams To Atoms Calculator
Grams To Atoms Calculator

Similarly, chemistry has a problem with handling items that are too small to operate with as single items. Atoms and molecules are too small to see and measure, let alone count or measure. To work with atoms or molecules, chemists needed to choose a group that was convenient to work with.

Any chemical reaction involves the rearrangement of billions of atoms. In order to visualize or count all these atoms, scientists need a way to refer to the entire quantity. Additionally, they must be able to compare these numbers to the weights of the substances, which can be measured. In quantitative chemistry, the concept of the mole is very important.

Avogadro’s Number

Based on Avogadro’s original theory, a gas’ volume at a given pressure and temperature is proportional to the number of molecules or atoms, regardless of the type of gas. He is credited for the idea, even though he did not determine the exact proportion.

Avogadro’s number is the ratio between atomic mass and physical mass on a human scale. Avogadro’s number is defined as the number of elementary particles (atoms, molecules, compounds, etc.) per mole of a substance. It is equal to \(6.022\times 10^{23}\ {mol}^{-1}\) and is expressed as the symbol \(N_A\).

Avogadro’s number is comparable to a dozen or gross. 12 molecules are equivalent to a dozen molecules. There are 144 molecules in a gross. Avogadro’s number is \(6.022\times 10^{23}\) molecules. By using Avogadro’s number, scientists can compare and discuss large numbers, which is useful since everyday substances contain many atoms and molecules.

The Mole

The mole (abbreviated mol) is the SI unit of measure for the quantity of a “chemical entity,” such as electrons or protons. The amount of a substance containing 12 grams of pure carbon-12 atoms is defined as the amount of particles in that substance. So, 1 mol contains \(6.022\times 10^{23}\) elementary entities of the substance.

Chemical Computations with Avogadro’s Number and the Mole

Avogadro’s number is essential to understanding both the makeup of molecules and their interactions. For example, since one atom of oxygen will combine with two atoms of hydrogen to create one molecule of water \(H_2O\), one mole of oxygen \((6.022\times 10^{23}\ of\ O\ atoms)\) will combine with two moles of hydrogen \((2\times 6.022\times 10^{23}\ of\ H\ atoms)\) to make one mole of \(H_2O\).

According to Avogadro’s number, one mole of a substance has a mass equal to its molecular weight. For example, the mean molecular weight of \(water\) is \(18.015\) atomic mass units \((amu)\), so one mole of water weighs \(18.015\ grams\). This property simplifies many chemical computations.

If you have \(1.25\ grams\) of a molecule with a molecular weight of \(134.1 \frac{g}{mol}\), how many moles of that molecule do you have?

$$1.25\ g\times \frac{1\ mole}{134.1\ g}=0.0093\ moles$$

How Can We Make Conversion Between Moles And Atoms?

Scientists can convert between the number of moles and the number of atoms by understanding the relationship between moles and Avogadro’s number.

In the previous concept, the mole was introduced as a way to relate the mass of substances to the number of atoms within. You can use this method to determine how much of one substance can react with a given amount of another.

One can also find the number of atoms in a sample from the moles of a substance. The bridge between atoms and moles is Avogadro’s number, \(6.022\times 10^{23}\).

Avogadro’s number is typically dimensionless, but when it defines the mole, it can be expressed as \(6.022\times 10^{23}\ elementary\ entities\ per mol\). In this form, Avogadro’s number is used as a conversion factor between the number of entities and the number of moles. Therefore, given the relationship \(1 mol = 6.022\times 10^{23}\ atoms\), converting between moles and atoms of a substance is a simple dimensional analysis problem.

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Converting Moles to Atoms

Given a known number of moles \(x\), one can find the number of atoms \(y\) in this molar quantity by multiplying it by Avogadro’s number:

$$x\ moles\times \frac{6.022\times 10^{23}\ atoms}{1\ mole}=y\ atoms$$

If scientists want to know how many atoms are in six moles of sodium \(x = 6\), they could solve:

$$6\ moles\times \frac{6.022\times 10^{23}\ atoms}{1\ mole}=3.61\times 10^{24}\ atoms$$

No matter whether the element is sodium or any other element, the solution is the same.

Converting Atoms to Moles

If we reverse the calculation above, we can convert a number of atoms to a molar quantity by dividing it by Avogadro’s number:

$$\frac{x\ atoms}{\frac{6.022\times 10^{23}\ atoms}{1\ mole}}=y\ moles$$

By multiplying the number of atoms by the reciprocal of Avogadro’s number, it can be written without a fraction in the denominator:

$$x\ atoms\times \frac{1\ mole}{6.022\times 10^{23}\ atoms}=y\ moles$$

For example, if scientists know there are \(3.5\times 10^{24}\ atoms\) in a sample, they can calculate the number of moles this quantity represents:

$$3.5\times 10^{24}\ atoms\times \frac{1\ mole}{6.022\times 10^{23}\ atoms}=5.81\ moles$$

Molar Mass of Compounds

Molar mass refers to the mass of one mole of a particular substance.

The mass of a substance can be measured by chemists, but in chemical reactions, the number of atoms present in each element often matters. As even the smallest amount of a substance contains billions of atoms, chemists generally use the mole as the unit for measuring quantity.

One mole (abbreviated mol) is equal to the number of atoms in \(12\ grams\ of\ carbon-12\); this number is referred to as Avogadro’s number and has been measured as approximately \(6.022\times 10^{23}\). In other words, a mole is the amount of substance that contains as many entities (atoms, or other particles) as there are atoms in \(12\ grams\ of\ pure\ carbon-12\).

amu vs. g/mol

Ions, or atoms, each have a specific mass; similarly, moles of a given pure substance have a definite mass. The mass of one mole of atoms of a pure element in grams is equivalent to the atomic mass of that element in \(atomic\ mass\ units\ (amu)\) or in \(grams\ per\ mole\ (\frac{g}{mol})\). Although mass can be expressed as both \(amu\) and \(\frac{g}{mol}\), \(\frac{g}{mol}\) is the most useful system of units for laboratory chemistry.

Calculating Molar Mass

Molar mass is the mass of a given substance divided by the amount of that substance, measured in \(\frac{g}{mol}\). For example, the atomic mass of titanium is \(47.88\ amu\) or \(47.88\ (\frac{g}{mol})\). In \(47.88\ grams\) of titanium, there is \(one\ mole\ or\ 6.022\times 10^{23}\ titanium\ atoms\).

The characteristic molar mass of an element is simply the atomic mass in \(\frac{g}{mol}\). However, molar mass can also be calculated by multiplying the atomic mass in amu by the molar mass constant \((\frac{1\ g}{mol})\). To calculate the molar mass of a compound with multiple atoms, sum all the atomic mass of the constituent atoms.

For example, the molar mass of \(NaCl\) can be calculated for finding the atomic mass of sodium \((22.99 \frac{g}{mol})\) and the atomic mass of chlorine \((35.45 \frac{g}{mol})\) and combining them. The molar mass of \(NaCl\) is \(58.44 \frac{g}{mol}\).

How Can We Make Conversion Between Mass(Gram) And Number Of Moles?

Molar mass can be used to convert between the mass of a substance and the number of moles in that substance.

Chemists generally use the mole as the unit for the number of atoms or molecules of a material. One mole (abbreviated mol) is equal to \(6.022\times 10^{23}\) molecular entities (Avogadro’s number), and each element has a different molar mass depending on the weight of \(6.022\times 10^{23}\) of its atoms \((1 mole)\). The molar mass of any element can be determined by finding the atomic mass of the element on the periodic table. For example, if the atomic mass of \(sulfur\ (S)\) is \(32.066\ amu\), then its molar mass is \(32.066\ \frac{g}{mol}\).

By recognizing the relationship between the molar mass \((\frac{g}{mol})\), moles \((mol)\), and particles, scientists can use dimensional analysis to convert between mass, number of moles, and number of atoms.

Read Also: Polar and Nonpolar Covalent Bonds: Definitions, Molecules, and Examples

Determining the Molar Mass of a Compound

In a compound of \(NaOH\), the molar mass of \(Na\) alone is \(23\ \frac{g}{mol}\), the molar mass of \(O\) is \(16\ \frac{g}{mol}\), and \(H\) is \(1\ \frac{g}{mol}\). What is the molar mass of \(NaOH\)?

$$Na+O+H\longrightarrow NaOH$$

$$23\ \frac{g}{mol}+16\ \frac{g}{mol}+1\ \frac{g}{mol}=40\ \frac{g}{mol}$$

The molar mass of the compound \(NaOH\) is 40 \(\frac{g}{mol}\).

Converting Mass to Number of Moles

How many moles of \(NaOH\) are present in \(90\ g\) of \(NaOH\)?

Since the molar mass of \(NaOH\) is \(40 g/mol\), we can divide the \(90\ g\) of \(NaOH\) by the molar mass \((40 g/mol)\) to find the moles of \(NaOH\). This is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal of \(40 g/mol\).

When the equation is arranged correctly, the mass units (grams) cancel out, leaving moles as the unit of measurement.

$$90\ g\ NaOH\times \frac{1\ mol}{40\ g}=2.25\ mol\ NaOH$$

There are \(2.25\ moles\ of\ NaOH\) in \(90g\ of\ NaOH\).

Converting Between Mass, Number of Moles, and Number of Atoms

Approximately how many moles and atoms are there in \(10.0\ g\ of\ nickel\)?

According to the periodic table, the \(atomic\ mass\ of\ nickel\ (Ni)\) is \(58.69\ amu\), which means that the \(molar\ mass\ of\ nickel\) is \(58.69\ g/mol\). Therefore, we can divide \(10.0\ g\) of \(Ni\) by the \(molar\ mass\ of\ Ni\) to find the number of moles present.

Using dimensional analysis, it is possible to determine that:

$$10\ g\ Ni\times \frac{1\ mol\ Ni}{58.69\ g\ Ni}=0.170\ mol\ Ni$$

To determine the \(number\ of\ atoms\), convert the \(moles\ of\ Ni\) to atoms using Avogadro’s number:

$$0.170\ moles\ Ni\times \frac{6.022\times 10^{23}\ atoms\ Ni}{1\ mol\ Ni}=1.02\times 10^{23}\ atoms\ Ni$$

A sample’s mass and the number of moles in the sample can also be used to calculate the sample’s molecular mass by dividing the mass by the number of moles to calculate \(g/mol\).

For example, calculate the \(molar\ mass\ of\ methane\ (CH4)\) if there are \(0.623\ moles\) in a \(10.0\ g\) sample

$$\frac{10.0\ g\ CH_4}{0.623\ mol\ CH_4}=16.05\ {\frac{g}{mol}}\ CH_4$$

The molar mass of \(CH_4\) is \(16.05 \frac{g}{mol}\).

Important Points To Remember

  • There is a very important relationship in Avogadro’s number: \(1\ mole = 6.022\times 10^{23}\) atoms, molecules, protons, etc.
  • Multiply the molar amount by Avogadro’s number to convert moles to atoms.
  • Divide the atom amount by Avogadro’s number (or multiply by its reciprocal) to convert from atoms to moles.
  • The molar mass is the mass of a given chemical element or chemical compound \((g)\) divided by the amount of substance \((mol)\).
  • The molar mass of a compound can be calculated by adding the standard atomic masses \((in\ {\frac{g}{mol}})\) of the constituent atoms.
  • The molar mass is a bridge between the mass of a material and the number of moles since the number of moles cannot be measured directly.
  • Despite the fact that it is impossible to measure the number of moles of a compound physically, we can use its molar mass as a direct conversion factor to get the number of moles.
  • The molar mass of a substance can be used to convert between mass and number of moles. By using Avogadro’s number, you can convert the number of moles to the number of atoms.

Important Terms To Remember

  • Mole: The amount of substance in a system that contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12.
  • Avogadro’s number: The number of atoms present in 12 g of carbon-12, which is \(6.022\times 10^{23}\)  and the number of elementary entities (atoms or molecules) comprising one mole of a given substance.
  • Molar mass: The mass of a given substance (chemical element or chemical compound in g) divided by its amount (in mol).

Convert Atoms To Grams Calculator:

A convert atoms to grams calculator is a tool that helps convert the number of atoms of a given substance into grams. It utilizes the concept of molar mass, which represents the mass of one mole of a substance, to perform the conversion. By inputting the number of atoms into the calculator, it calculates the corresponding mass in grams.

Example: If you have 2.5 x 10^23 atoms of carbon, you can use a convert atoms to grams calculator to find the mass in grams by multiplying the number of atoms by the molar mass of carbon (12.01 g/mol). The calculator will provide the result as 3.0025 grams.

Grams To Atoms Calculator With Steps:

A grams to atoms calculator with steps is a tool that converts the mass of a substance in grams into the corresponding number of atoms. It follows the reverse process of the convert atoms to grams calculator. By inputting the mass in grams into the calculator, it calculates the number of atoms using the substance’s molar mass.

Example: Let’s say you have 5 grams of hydrogen. Using a grams to atoms calculator with steps, you would divide the mass by the molar mass of hydrogen (1.008 g/mol) to find the number of atoms. The calculator will provide the result as approximately 4.958 x 10^23 atoms.

Grams To Moles To Atoms Calculator:

A grams to moles to atoms calculator is a tool that facilitates the conversion of mass in grams to the number of moles and then to the number of atoms. It employs the concepts of molar mass and Avogadro’s number to perform the conversions. By inputting the mass in grams into the calculator, it calculates the number of moles and then determines the number of atoms.

Example: Suppose you have 10 grams of oxygen. Using a grams to moles to atoms calculator, you would first calculate the number of moles by dividing the mass by the molar mass of oxygen (16.00 g/mol). Next, you would multiply the number of moles by Avogadro’s number (6.022 x 10^23) to obtain the number of atoms. The calculator will provide the result as approximately 3.012 x 10^23 atoms.

Atoms To Grams Calculator Chemistry:

An atoms to grams calculator in chemistry is a tool specifically designed to convert the number of atoms of a substance into grams. It is tailored for applications in the field of chemistry and utilizes the molar mass of the substance to perform the conversion accurately.

Example: Consider 1.8 x 10^24 atoms of sulfur. Using an atoms to grams calculator in chemistry, you can determine the mass in grams by multiplying the number of atoms by the molar mass of sulfur (32.06 g/mol). The calculator will provide the result as 5.78528 grams.

Grams Of Compound To Atoms Calculator:

A grams of compound to atoms calculator is a tool that converts the mass of a compound, rather than a single element, into the corresponding number of atoms. It requires the molar mass of the compound and follows the same principles as the atoms to grams calculator.

Example: Suppose you have 15 grams of water (H2O). Using a grams of compound to atoms calculator, you would calculate the molar mass of water by adding the molar masses of hydrogen (1.008 g/mol) and oxygen (16.00 g/mol). Then, you can convert the mass to the number of atoms by dividing the mass by the molar mass and multiplying by Avogadro’s number. The calculator will provide the result as approximately 8.340 x 10^

23 atoms.

Gold Atoms To Grams Calculator:

A gold atoms to grams calculator specifically deals with converting the number of atoms of gold into grams. It takes into account the molar mass of gold (often rounded to 197 g/mol) to perform the conversion accurately.

Example: Consider 3.5 x 10^22 atoms of gold. Using a gold atoms to grams calculator, you can find the mass in grams by multiplying the number of atoms by the molar mass of gold (197 g/mol). The calculator will provide the result as 6.895 g.

Grams To Molecules:

A grams to molecules calculator is a tool used to convert the mass of a substance in grams into the corresponding number of molecules. It relies on the concept of molar mass and Avogadro’s number to perform the conversion.

Example: Let’s say you have 10 grams of methane (CH4). Using a grams to molecules calculator, you would calculate the molar mass of methane by adding the molar masses of carbon (12.01 g/mol) and hydrogen (1.008 g/mol), multiplied by 4 for the four hydrogen atoms. Then, you can convert the mass to the number of molecules by dividing the mass by the molar mass and multiplying by Avogadro’s number. The calculator will provide the result as approximately 2.244 x 10^23 molecules.

Atoms To Grams Calculator With Steps:

An atoms to grams calculator with steps is a tool that converts the number of atoms of a substance into the corresponding mass in grams. It provides a step-by-step calculation process, allowing users to understand and follow the conversion method.

Example: Suppose you have 6.022 x 10^23 atoms of carbon dioxide (CO2). Using an atoms to grams calculator with steps, you would multiply the number of atoms by the molar mass of carbon dioxide (44.01 g/mol) to obtain the mass in grams. The calculator will provide the result as 44.01 grams, showing the step-by-step process of the calculation.


How many atoms are in a gram?

The definition of Avogadro’s number of 6.022 × 1023/mole is the number of atoms or molecules per one gram atomic weight.

Are grams equal to atoms?

Each ion, or atom, has a particular mass; similarly, each mole of a given pure substance also has a definite mass. The mass of one mole of atoms of a pure element in grams is equivalent to the atomic mass of that element in atomic mass units (amu) or in grams per mole (g/mol).

What does 1 gram atom mean?

One gram atom means the mass of one mole of an element equal in grams to the atomic weight. One gram atom of oxygen is defined as the atoms present in one gram of oxygen atom.

How do you calculate atoms?

So, if you are given the mass of an element, you use the periodic table to find its molar mass, and multiply the given mass by the reciprocal of the molar mass. Once you have moles, multiply by Avogadro’s number to calculate the number of atoms.

How do you convert atoms?

To convert from moles to atoms, multiply the molar amount by Avogadro’s number. To convert from atoms to moles, divide the atom amount by Avogadro’s number (or multiply by its reciprocal).

How To Convert Atoms To Mass In Grams?

To convert the number of atoms to mass in grams, you need to use the concept of molar mass. The steps involved in the conversion are as follows:

1. Determine the number of atoms you have.
2. Identify the element or compound for which you want to convert atoms to grams.
3. Find the molar mass of the element or compound. The molar mass is expressed in grams per mole.
4. Multiply the number of atoms by the molar mass to obtain the mass in grams.

Example: Let’s say you have 2.5 x 10^23 atoms of carbon (C). The molar mass of carbon is approximately 12.01 g/mol. To convert atoms to grams, you multiply the number of atoms by the molar mass:

2.5 x 10^23 atoms * (12.01 g/mol) = 3.0025 grams.

Therefore, 2.5 x 10^23 carbon atoms is equivalent to 3.0025 grams.

How Do You Convert From Grams To Atoms?

To convert from grams to atoms, you need to consider the molar mass of the substance and Avogadro’s number. The steps involved in the conversion are as follows:

1. Determine the mass of the substance in grams.
2. Identify the element or compound for which you want to convert grams to atoms.
3. Find the molar mass of the element or compound. The molar mass is expressed in grams per mole.
4. Divide the mass in grams by the molar mass to obtain the number of moles.
5. Multiply the number of moles by Avogadro’s number (approximately 6.022 x 10^23) to obtain the number of atoms.

Example: Suppose you have 5 grams of hydrogen (H). The molar mass of hydrogen is approximately 1.008 g/mol. To convert grams to atoms, you follow these steps:

5 grams / (1.008 g/mol) = 4.9603 moles.
4.9603 moles * (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol) = 2.9862 x 10^24 atoms.

Therefore, 5 grams of hydrogen is equivalent to approximately 2.9862 x 10^24 atoms.

How Many Grams Are In An Atom?

An atom does not have a measurable mass in grams on its own because the mass of an atom is extremely small. Atoms are typically measured in atomic mass units (amu) or unified atomic mass units (u). These units are used to compare the masses of different atoms relative to a standard reference point, which is the carbon-12 isotope.

The mass of an atom in grams can be determined by its atomic mass or atomic weight, which is expressed in atomic mass units (amu) or grams per mole (g/mol). It is important to note that the atomic mass listed on the periodic table is the average mass of the isotopes of an element.

How Many Atoms Are In 16.3 g of S?

To determine the number of atoms in a given mass of a substance, you need to consider the molar mass and Avogadro’s number. The steps involved in the calculation are as follows:

1. Identify the element for which you want to calculate the number of atoms.
2. Find the molar mass of the element, which is expressed in grams per mole.
3. Divide the given mass by the molar mass to obtain the number of moles.
4. Multiply the number of moles by Avogadro’s number (approximately 6.022 x 10^23) to determine the number of


Example: Let’s consider sulfur (S) with a molar mass of approximately 32.06 g/mol. To calculate the number of atoms in 16.3 grams of sulfur:

16.3 g / (32.06 g/mol) = 0.508 moles.
0.508 moles * (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol) = 3.064 x 10^23 atoms.

Therefore, there are approximately 3.064 x 10^23 atoms in 16.3 grams of sulfur.